2007-2014 Shandong University, Bachelor & Master
2015-2019 Friedrich schiller university jena & Leibniz institute of photonic technology, Doctor
2019-2021 Westlake University, Postdoc & Assistant professor
(1) Artificial intelligence optical computing and optical devices

(2) Functional micro-nano devices applicaiton

1. Ning Wang, Stan. Z. Li*, Min Qiu*, et al. Intelligent designs in nanophotonics: from optimization towards inverse creation. (Invited review, under review).
2. Ning Wang*; Matthias Zeisberger; Uwe Huebner; Markus A. Schmidt; Boosting light collection efficiency of optical fibers using metallic nanostructures, ACS Photonics, 2019, 6(3): 691-698.
3. Ning Wang*; Matthias Zeisberger; Uwe Huebner; Markus A. Schmidt; Nanotrimer enhanced optical fiber tips implemented by electron beam lithography, Optical Materials Express, 2018, 8(8): 2246-2255. (Highlighted by OSA ‘Spotlight on optics’)
4. Ning Wang*; Matthias Zeisberger; Uwe Huebner; Markus A. Schmidt; Impact of intra-and inter-unit cell symmetry breaking on the optical response of the arrays of nanotrimers, Optics Letters, 2019, 44(21): 5169-5172.
5. Ning Wang; Matthias Zeisberger; Uwe Huebner; Vincenzo Giannini; Markus A. Schmidt*; Symmetry-breaking induced magnetic Fano resonances in densely packed arrays of symmetric nanotrimers, Scientific Reports, 2019, 9(1): 1-9.
1. Ning Wang, DoKDoK博士学术会议最佳海报,2016。
2. Ning Wang, Nanotrimer enhanced optical fiber tips implemented by electron beam lithography,美国光学学会OSA网站栏目 “Spotlight on Optics” 高亮,2018。
3. 王宁,Nanostructure-enhanced optical fibers for large-angle and wide-bandwidth light collection,第二届全国光子技术论坛,Light优秀口头报告奖, 2020。