

Research Professor

Wei YAN, PhD

School of engineering

Laboratory of Photonics And Instrumentation for NanoTechnology (PAINT)

Contact: yanwei@westlake.edu.cn


2001-2005 Bachelor Zhejiang University 

2005-2007 Master Zhejiang University 

2007-2010 Doctor Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) 

2011.01-2015.12 Postdoc Technical University of Denmark, Denmark 

2016.08-2018 Postdoc Institut d'Optique d'Aquitaine, France 

2018-present Research  Professor, Westlake University


The influence of the quantum mechanical properties of electrons on the optical properties of nanodevices 

Solve Maxwell equations quickly based on Quasi-normal modes

Representative Publications

1. W. Yan*, Hydrodynamic theory for quantum plasmonics: Linear-response dynamics of the inhomogeneous electron gas, Phys. Rev. B 91, 115416 (2015)

2. W. Yan, M. Wubs, & N. A. Mortensen, Projected dipole model for quantum plasmonics, Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 137403 (2015)

3. T. Christensen, W. Yan*, A.-P. Jauho, M. Soljacic, & N. A. Mortensen, Quantum corrections in nanoplasmonics: shape, scale, and material, Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 157402 (2017).

4. W. Yan, P. Lalanne, and M. Qiu, "Shape Deformation of Nanoresonator: A Quasinormal-Mode Perturbation Theory," Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 013901 (2020).

5. Y. Yang, D. Zhu, W. Yan, A. Agarwal, M. Zheng, J. D. Joannopoulos, P. Lalanne, T. Christensen, K. K. Berggren, and M. Soljačić, "A general theoretical and experimental framework for nanoscale electromagnetism," Nature 576, 248-252 (2019).