Research Assistant Professor & Postdoctoral Researchers People > Researchers Wei LYU PhD Biography2011.09-2015.06 Nanjing University, Bachelor 2016.09-2019.06 Nanjing University, Master 2019.9-2023.03 Westlake University-Zhejiang University, Doctor 2023.4-2023.12 Westlake Institute for Optoeletronics, Research Associate 2024.1-present Westlake Institute for Optoeletronics, Post doctor ResearchOpto-Elastic wave-induced actuation, Interaction between laser and materials, Ultrafast laser processing Representative Publications1. Wei Lyu, et al. Nanomotion of micro-objects driven by light-induced elastic waves on solid interfaces, Physical Review Applied, 2023. 19(2): 024049. 2. Wei Lyu, et al. Light-induced in-plane rotation of microobjects on microfibers. Laser & Photonics Reviews, 2022. 16(5): 2100561. 3. Weiwei Tang#, Wei Lyu#, et al. Micro-scale opto-thermo-mechanical actuation in the dry adhesive regime. Light: Science & Application, 2021. 10(1): 193.