On November 21, 2023, the international journal Advanced Materials published online the latest research results of the cooperation between Westlake University and the Hangzhou Institute of Advanced Research of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, which achieved a picogram-level static micro-force sensing based on optical waveguides. Xinggang Shang, a doctoral student in the Nanophotonics and Instrument Technology Laboratory of Westlake University, was the first author. Ning Wang, an associate researcher in the Hangzhou Institute of Advanced Research of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (formerly a postdoctoral fellow in Professor Min Qiu's research group), Nanjia Zhou, a distinguished researcher at Westlake University, and Min Qiu, a Guoqiang Endowed Chair Professor of Optical Engineering and Vice President at Westlake University, were the co-corresponding authors. This work has received support and funding from the National Natural Science Foundation of China, Westlake University, and the Hangzhou Institute of Advanced Research of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.